A Day trying to find Peace

So yesterday was the second Sunday of Advent and the candle that was lit was the Peace candle, celebrating the fact that Jesus is our Prince of Peace. Hmm well my day was anything but peaceful. 

First of all trying to get out the door to church with two kids and no husband (he is on shift this weekend) turned out to be more of a gong show then I thought. I can get all of us ready to go and out the door in a hour on a normal day but apparently Sundays are not normal. However, I did learn not to try to wear a shirt the needs ironing Sundays I am by myself. I am surprised my iron still works I think I dropped it 3 times in the process of ironing my shirt. I also had a bit of a diaper explosion from the little one which required a bath, and the 2 year old wasn't buying the fact that he had to get out of his pj's. 

Finally we were all in the car, but I was feeling less then peaceful and maybe a little frustrated. (At least my husband wasn't there he hates it when I make us late :). ) At church I missed the Advent lighting but managed to squeeze in a few songs before having to rush to a meeting. However, now that my 2 year old has figured out the joys of the nursery it is difficult to get him to remain in the pew when we are singing,  but we feel it is important for him to experience some of the church service. So him and I fought about him staying with me and not bolting to the nursery (which he can find all on his own.) But we made it, just me a little more frazzled as I tried to get him, a car seat, diaper bag and two winter coats back out of the sanctuary taking him to the nursery before I had to head to my meeting. 

That was just my morning, but when I got home and was reading about Advent this week it struck me how Peace is lacking so often in my life, but as I pondered this was I struck by the lack of peace I see all around me. I came home to read a blog from another friend of mine and the turmoil she was feel that day, as well as the turmoil my husband and I are facing right now in both sides of our families. It just breaks my heart. If God offers us Peace why is it that I am having such a hard time seeing it today? As Christians why are we in so much turmoil. Now I am not saying just because you are a Christian life will be perfect and problem-less, but why don't we live in the Peace that God offers.

This brings me to the second thought I had yesterday while pondering this and the situations in our families. And it is that people can be so stupid...I know nice hey? But really if evolution was true why are there so many stupid people shouldn't they be extinct and only the smart people survived? I just get so frustrated with humanity and our ability to hurt each other and then justify it. I am sure that we have all broken God's heart by doing this, I know I have, but I have also tried to right it when I can. Others just seem to not care, it makes me angry and it makes me want to invoke my type of justice...not always the best idea. 

But here I am writing about the turmoil I feel around me and feeling helpless to help or change anything or anyone. Prayer is my only option and I know it is the best option but it also feels like doing nothing. In this season of peace and love I feel disappointed in humanity. But my option is simply to change myself. I am the only person I can control, so I choose to allow God to work in my heart to bring His Peace into my life. His Peace that passes all understanding (Phil 4:7) I can choose my attitude and whether I will allow others mistakes to steal my joy. 

So it is back to chasing my little monsters, being so grateful for all that I have been given, and for the fact that in my home there is peace and I can offer my home as a sanctuary for others who are in need of a safe place. There is so much more to Peace then simply a fuzzy feeling, it is my hope you will find that Peace no matter the whirlwind spinning around you because it is there God offers it. Just watch a baby sleep its that kind of Peace!

Today: searching for Peace (I think mines in the crib right now :)


  1. So true, Ash, so true. And you're right, we can't control anyone else--all we can do is work on ourselves and leave the rest to God. Hard to do, but the only thing we can do.


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