Understanding The Monster

So there I was 2:00am and sitting in a crib.

Being a mother, sometimes you find yourself in the oddest places and yes last night it was my daughter crib trying to convince her that sleeping in necessary and that grabbing at my face and pulling hair while I am trying to settle her doesn't really make me feel loved. I have ended up in the crib with this one several times because it just seems easier to lay down with her and sneak away then to try to transfer her back to the crib after she has fallen asleep in my arms. But last night nothing was working. I have no idea whether it was her ears bothering her, her teeth bothering her, or if her stomach was bothering her...my "mommy knows what's wrong" sensors must have been broken (or still asleep in my bed up stairs).

So there we were, in her crib, her crying and rolling around and me head in hands feeling defeated.

I love my little girl but she is certainly can be temperamental. Is this what having a girl will be like...for the rest of her life? She is usually friendly and lovely during the day, and then it is like the werewolf comes to life some nights.  Not all the time mind you, she will sleep great for a few days and then it is back to the same old routine and a need to see mom 3-4 times a night.

Not complaining just sharing some days (or nights) are better then others. Then I laughed at my husband this morning as said goodbye and we both remarked that we were tired (it is his last day of 10 today) and in regards to not sleeping well (he doesn't sleep well if he is too hot and I could probably use him as a space heater with the amount of heat he produces) he said "Maybe its time to take the duvet off the bed?" ..........HA! my reply? Dripping with sarcasm and disdane "What's the matter dear  Didn't sleep well last night?" 

I did laugh it off, as this is a conversation we have had many times and he does understand and sympathize with my lack of sleep. But anyway this is my ode to my little monster, who someday will find her sleeping rhythm and we will all sleep happily ever after...maybe...until someone gets sick. :)

So here's to no more nights spent curled up in a ball sleeping next to a baby in a crib!


  1. I have never actually slept in our crib yet. I always brought the girls back to my bed and prayed they would nurse back to sleep. Sometimes I bring Livi to bed still (not to nurse) but Madi has her own bed so I can just crawl in there with her. It's probably much more comfortable than a crib.

    And I don't know if I've ever had a working "Mama knows what's wrong" sensor. I should write a letter to the manufacturer.

  2. Hadassah still doesn't sleep through the night but now it is her laughing and talking to herself that wakes us up. And we don't have to do anything about it. I remember from three months on Matt and I being at each other's throats because she wouldn't stop crying. Sleeping with us didn't work, nothing. Finally at a year she actually cried it out and would go to sleep. That was a wonderful time. Owen is getting good at night sleeping but he has a cold right now so some nights he nurses two or three times.


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