Returning to Normal
Yup, so blogging hasn't happened lately...if you noticed.
Our lives have been a little crazy. Both the kids and I got a silly cold that has just been hanging on for about 10 days. We are doing good, just not 100%. This cold has also been plagued by slight ear infections and teething. As a result, for several days my darling little girl was not sleeping unless she was being held. If any of you have ever had a child with ear trouble you know that as soon as you lay them in their crib (no matter how asleep they are in your arms) they freak out! That was my life. Quiet peaceful child sleeping in my arms, screaming monster laying in her crib! :) Quite the transformation.
We did go to see the Dr. but neither kid was sick enough to need antibiotics so immune system it is :) So we are slowly getting back to normal.
As far as the kids are concerned we have had a few developments as of late. Nadiya has officially gained the name of "swifer". It is always amazing to me to watch as the kids start to realize that they can get to where they want to go. A whole new world opens up to them...and a whole lot more work begins for me, as she is also a garberator. If she can get it in her hand it goes in her mouth, especially paper and magazines, those are her favorite! This adventure in movement though spells the end of peace in the bathroom for me. Some of you may not understand this and would say "if you want to use the bathroom in peace just close the door." Hahaha yeah right. If I close that door and allow my 2 children unsupervised access to each other you have no idea the havoc that would be wreaked. Example: Friday morning, in the bathroom by myself. I hear a bang, soft whimpers and then all out much a minute of peace and quiet. I come out to find the 2 year old sitting on his sister, with chocolate milk spilled on her and on my carpet...So the door stays open :) for now anyway.
So we are getting life back to normal. Hopefully this cold is finally getting kicked and I won't feel so bad taking my kids outside. It has just been beautiful. I am looking forward to green grass and blue skys. Just like the rest of us. Can you imagine....going outside in a t-shirt without feeling chilly?!? and actually being too hot (well this is not as likely for me as for my husband) even in the summer I am usually still cold. :) But it is on its way...eventually...I can't get my hopes up too much, it is still April...Got to love Alberta.
Our lives have been a little crazy. Both the kids and I got a silly cold that has just been hanging on for about 10 days. We are doing good, just not 100%. This cold has also been plagued by slight ear infections and teething. As a result, for several days my darling little girl was not sleeping unless she was being held. If any of you have ever had a child with ear trouble you know that as soon as you lay them in their crib (no matter how asleep they are in your arms) they freak out! That was my life. Quiet peaceful child sleeping in my arms, screaming monster laying in her crib! :) Quite the transformation.
We did go to see the Dr. but neither kid was sick enough to need antibiotics so immune system it is :) So we are slowly getting back to normal.
As far as the kids are concerned we have had a few developments as of late. Nadiya has officially gained the name of "swifer". It is always amazing to me to watch as the kids start to realize that they can get to where they want to go. A whole new world opens up to them...and a whole lot more work begins for me, as she is also a garberator. If she can get it in her hand it goes in her mouth, especially paper and magazines, those are her favorite! This adventure in movement though spells the end of peace in the bathroom for me. Some of you may not understand this and would say "if you want to use the bathroom in peace just close the door." Hahaha yeah right. If I close that door and allow my 2 children unsupervised access to each other you have no idea the havoc that would be wreaked. Example: Friday morning, in the bathroom by myself. I hear a bang, soft whimpers and then all out much a minute of peace and quiet. I come out to find the 2 year old sitting on his sister, with chocolate milk spilled on her and on my carpet...So the door stays open :) for now anyway.
So we are getting life back to normal. Hopefully this cold is finally getting kicked and I won't feel so bad taking my kids outside. It has just been beautiful. I am looking forward to green grass and blue skys. Just like the rest of us. Can you imagine....going outside in a t-shirt without feeling chilly?!? and actually being too hot (well this is not as likely for me as for my husband) even in the summer I am usually still cold. :) But it is on its way...eventually...I can't get my hopes up too much, it is still April...Got to love Alberta.
I do not remember the last time I went to the bathroom by myself. I don't think that's something that moms with more than one child get to do!