Getting My Life Back in Order

Okay so it has been a little while since my last post, but a lot has been going on and I am trying to not write when my dear husband is at home so that he knows he is a priority :). But our little family went on a holiday last weekend and there was just no time to blog.

We headed to Edmonton, went to the Waterpark, spent two nights in a hotel, headed farther south to visit a few friends an hit the road for home on Tuesday morning. We had a great time away visiting friends and resting but definitely not getting enough sleep. Needless to say we all arrived home exhausted, I am still trying to catch up on everything, sleep, dishes, cleaning, replenishing our food supply, sanity. I think the only thing I have actually got caught up on is laundry (or I should at least say our holiday laundry) you never actually get caught up on laundry.

This exhaustion has led to a few difficult days. I am definitely short tempered and even though the kids are glad to be home we are still going through attitude and the pains of readjusting to our home schedule. I wish I had it together more often and I didn't have to go to bed so many nights feeling like my children will be permanently scarred. There are days when I feel great about balancing home, kids and husband, and other days it feels like they are all left laying scattered on the floor and me sobbing in the middle of it all. Control is one of those things that I thrive on. I enjoying having it all together...since  children made their appearance in my life control feels non-existent. I just keep hoping that one day everything will just fall into place.

I have a pretty good example of the chaos of the last few days. Just a few minutes ago I was attempting to clean up the kitchen and tidy up a few dishes. My hands were wet and covered in soap, one child was crying in her exersaucer, obviously in need of attention, probably tired and hungry; the other one was occupying himself by throwing all my plastic and tin recycling down my basement stairs.

So after changing two stinky diapers, nursing one to sleep and turning on Cars 2 for the other I have a few minutes to write this post and hopefully get a little more cleaning done. One of these days I am going to attempt to reorganize my bathroom closet, I will let you know how that turns out.

Well I should probably get back to my disaster and should probably get started on supper. I think it is chef salad for me and my husband...still not sure what to feed the kids. However; on a side note I have found that the little one loves avocado. Her brother tried it but was definitely not impressed by it :).

So off I go once again in the whirlwind of life, hope you all get a few moments of peace. I was googling spas in our area today dreaming about what it would be like to spend a couple hours getting a massage and facial....*sigh* at least I can dream right :)


  1. "I wish I had it together more often and I didn't have to go to bed so many nights feeling like my children will be permanently scarred."

    Made me cry. I feel this too.


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