The Days we Live and Learn

Well we have officially made it through 6 months with two children and everyone is still alive :). Not that I ever doubted we would survive, but every child you add to your family I am sure brings a new set of challenges and pushes you beyond what you thought you could handle...then again marriage was the same way too, I guess it is just relationships. But my beautiful little girl is now 6 months old. I can hardly believe it, but she has reached one of my favorite stages of development so far. I love that she can sit and play on her own but she can also engage and play with us and her brother (although he seems to need a constant reminder about not hitting or smashing with her). She is also starting to eat cereal, which helps her dad feel more involved in the feeding process. He always gets to give the kids their first feed of rice cereal. This didn't initially start as a sentimental thing, but because I have a heck of a time trying to get that man to take pictures and to make sure the event was properly documented he feeds and I am behind the camera! However, this time he insisted that he give her her first meal. It is nice for him to be able to experience some of the 'firsts' too.

Another good thing is that my little angel has began sleeping again. I have no idea what, of the many things I have tired, finally worked, but I had to break down and move the comfy chair out of her room so I was less likely to fall asleep feeding her and her just get used to being held while she sleeps (not a good habit to form as far as I am concerned). I have also be doing more experimenting with food that may be upsetting her stomach. I think I have figured it out. Cheese is a big no, no! Without thinking the other day I eat a pizza pop for lunch (healthy I know!) that night was misery. However, I have figured out I can have steamed milk and it doesn't bother her, but the one day I have cold milk and cereal, yikes! But Praise God! I can use my espresso machine again! Steamed milk, lattes, all made in the comfort of my own home, to my own particular specifications! So gratefully I have been getting more sleep lately.

I did have a hard lesson to learn this weekend, and it caused some frustration and panic but all was well in the end. Here is my confession: I love the hot tub but I find the maintenance annoying, and for some reason when we moved here the taking care of the hot tub just seemed to fall to me. I hate going out there in the winter, lifting the heavy lid off, getting 3/4's of my arm wet testing water, bringing the filter in dripping water everywhere to rinse it out, and then adding each chemical at 15 - 20 min intervals. It really isn't that bad I just get lazy and don't want to do it.

But last week I had gotten my husband to add some water tot he tub because the levels had gone down...this is normal, but a few days later when I went to use the hot tub I noticed that the water level had gone down again, I assumed this was simply because it was colder out and we were getting more evaporation then usual because we need a new cover. So I never bother to check again for the rest of the week. BAD idea. When I went out yesterday to do my chemical thing....well there was no water to be found. The pump was still running but there was no water. I panicked. Anyone who has had a hot tub knows that it is really really bad for hot tubs to run without water, especially when it is cold. So I felt horrible, sure that I had frozen lines and burnt out pumps. My husband wasn't too impressed either. But he found where the leak was, nothing broken just a lose fitting where you usually drain the hot tub. After fixing the fitting there were still a few places where water was spraying but as the water warmed up those quit. *sigh* what a terrible way to learn to check my hot tub regularly and not put it off. Maybe now I will get a little more help with it too...maybe not but here's to learning things the hard way.

Anyway that is the adventures from our little family in the past few days, and just a little reminder to all of us who have chores we don't like to do, not to be lazy.

Oh! By the way I heard on the radio today that women who express themselves in writing about things they care about are more likely to lose weight. Not sure of all of the details but just thought I would throw that out there into the blogging world :)


  1. I'm so, SO glad that you've had some success with figuring out what's been bothering Nadiya. Cheese was always a big no-no with Michaela too. And YAY for steamed milk! I can just imagine how happy that must make you! Here's to more sleep in your future...and possibly more expressing things in writing for me! Ha ha. Love you, friend!

  2. It is so fun when the babies get to that 6 month stage and start being so fun! Sitting and giggling and making faces. I'm glad she's sleeping better. Madi was such a bad sleeper alone, I spent many nights sleeping in our wooden rocker, but it was SOOO uncomfortable, I was always waking up with a crick in my neck. I vowed that with our next one I'm getting a new, comfy chair. But like you said, there are down sides to the comfy chair. Hmmmmmmm

  3. I can't believe she is six months already! I could have sworn it was just yesterday that I was visiting and helping you after you had her... sigh... they grow up too fast!

    Also, love the idea of women losing weight faster when they express themselves by writing!!!


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