Wednesday's Wanderings

I don't have much time today, too much to do as usual, but I had a few picture to share from the last couple days.

I got new glasses!! My old ones were in desperate need of replacing. They were so scratched and foggy that (and not to mention the wrong prescription) that I could almost see better without them on. Good thing I have contacts too but I was grateful to finally get a new pair. And I was so excited because I have been looking for a pair of plastic frames forever. I loved the look but I have a very small face and every pair I ever found were too big, but not these!!! I love them. And whether they look good or not I love them. And I am finally seeing my world clearly again...well maybe not the whole world some things are still a little hazy to me :)

This is a picture of the northern lights last night from my deck. I love, love, love, love the tripod my husband bought me for Christmas. This was the first time I have actually used it. This picture isn't perfect but I would never have been able to even get close to this clear without the tripod. This was also my first time shooting at night and I am just experimenting with new setting on my camera. Well actually learning that my camera is smarter then me. But I want to learn how to use it properly, because I would really like to upgrade, but I have to out learn this camera first.

So nothing too dramatic; although my little one at the moment is trying very hard to pull herself to standing and just about succeeding. She will pretty much stand on her own at a table, I do have to stay nearby as she is not quite stable yet.

Off to visit with my friend Laundry and do a little sewing.


  1. I like your glasses! I just got my new glasses back a couple weeks ago, so I was in "new glasses love" too. I got transition lenses for the very first time and am enjoying the novelty.

    I miss seeing the Northern Lights.

  2. I love your glasses! They look fantastic on you! Makes me want to go and get a new pair too :)

    I do love the picture of the northern lights... and I wish I could have been there to look at them with you! We could have drank coffee at the same time (because drinking coffee is what we cool people do).

  3. Your glasses look good. I am due for new glasses as we;;. Actually, I am going to get eye lazer surgery eventually but until then I need new ones. Mine have lost the protective coating on them and I feel like they have been constantly licked by your mother.


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