Chasing Toddlers in High Heels

Ok as it has been a really long time, for that I am sorry, but after having dinner with a friend of ours the other evening she mentioned that she liked reading my blog and I mentioned that my husband doesn't like me writing my blog so I hadn't done it out of my deep respect for him :) He put me straight. After several months of my avoiding this blog because I thought he didn't appreciate me spending my time communicating to the great void called with internet rather then him, it truly was only the only fact that most of my blogging inspiration would happen just as he was climbing into bed and ready to go to sleep. And as our computer is close to the bedroom, the clickity, click of the keyboard at 11:00pm was just getting a little annoying (and rightly so). Therefore the marital confusion has been cleared here I am to share a few things that have been on my mind lately.

The other morning I was trying to get myself and the kids ready and out the door for church by myself. My husbands shift at work makes it so he is only able to come every other week. So now and again I am left to wrangle the monsters by myself. And this particular morning as I was rushing to get out the door (because I am usually late) I was about to put on my high heels when common sense caught up with me and I realized that hauling a 1 year old and chasing a less then cooperative almost 3 year old would be more appropriately done in a small heel. Thus we endured a last minute wardrobe change and made it to church only 30 minutes late. However, this morning my mom came to church with me and the decision to wear high heels was much easier :)

Now that my daughter is walking and Zach has begun to experiment with his male selective hearing gene, going out and about has gotten more difficult. Even bribery doesn't seem to work when he has decided to do his own thing and ignore me, hence a very difficult shopping trip to Superstore when I had forgotten a loonie for a cart and had no stroller in my truck. Nadiya in one hand and groceries in the other left me no ability to control the tornado who refused to follow any instruction I was giving. Now you might be wondering what put my lovely son in such a defiant mood...well it was all because I wouldn't let him bring his toy water gun into the store...yup he was making my pay for it.
I tried everything, threatening, bribing and disciplining...nothing. If he wasn't crying while I dragged him along by the hand, he was grabbing things off the shelves, or getting distracted by something and running in a different direction then I needed to go. I don't think we were in the store more then 15 minutes but it felt like eternity. This was our first stop that we had to make in town that day and I am grateful to say Zach either forgot about the gun fiascal or he forgave me, either way the rest of the day was relatively calm.

I have a few more ideas to write about and I hopeing to get to them soon, but to avoid keeping you too  long and boring you I will just say that was my day.


  1. Oh I feel with you Ashley! I had one of those days awhile ago. i was about to pull out my hair. Good thing my hands were full!
    It's very annoying that we have to have a loonie available at all times just so we can buy groceries. They either don't care about mothers with little children, or just plain dumb!
    Thanks for sharing :-)

  2. At the grocery store, usually at least one of the girls is throwing a fit. And I now just figure that the reason that they act up all the time at the store, even when they were nice and happy at home, is that the stores somehow inject sugar into them when they walk through the door.

    And I HATE loonie carts. At Extra Foods here, if you don't have a loonie, you have to walk inside, get one, and then back outside for the cart. Drives me nuts. I love shopping in the states because at the stores there they have carts with cars on them. It makes my shopping much calmer.

  3. The carts with the cars only work if it is a short trip if it isn't Zach finds every possible way to hang himself out of or climb on the car while I am looking at something on the shelf...or if he has a toy car he likes to lean out the side while I am moving driving the little car on the floor. I like the costco carts that are free to use and both children can be locked in, as long as they don't start hitting each other :)


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