A Day to Rest

I am a busy person...I never really thought this but I have started to realize that I can be busy, too busy sometimes. And as I look back at high school I realize that this has been a part of me my whole life. I can't just be content to have one or two things going on but I like to have 4 or 5 things. (This may come as a surprise to some people as I am a stay-at-home mom and spend my days in my pjs drinking coffee and watching talk shows).
Now I married a man who loves to rest. He is an introvert and if he doesn't have relaxed time with no obligations life gets miserable. This is something we had to figure out when we first got married. I remember a discussion we had either before, or just after we were married, about days off. To me days off are a great time to get things done. All those things that you just never have time for during the work week, projects, renovations, visiting friends etc... However, I quickly found out that that was not his idea, to him days off were for doing nothing. Time to recoup before heading back into the whirlwind.  I remember be so upset and complaining "So when do ALL these things get done!" (I think newly married women are crazy by the way :) )
Through the last 5 years I have begun to realize that he is not entirely wrong and he has taught me so much about just enjoying the moment and that if you take time to slow down and stop you actually become more productive. (which could lead me down a rabbit trail about naps but I will save that one for later) And it was amazing to find out that if I let Nate take the time to introvert and recharge he was much more willing and happy to help me with my "projects".

So this leads me to my reason for posting today. We just got through a couple of busy days and my kids are in need of a stay at home in your pjs day and I started to think about all the new projects I could get working on, as I finished a few last week. But I stopped myself and I have decided to just let Monday but Monday, maybe put a little extra effort into supper and enjoy the quiet of our little house (as quiet as it can be with two toddlers who are out to make each other miserable). Tomorrow brings a whole new day that I can fill with Christmas decorating, baking, sewing and painting cupboards.

So here's a good question for you. When was the last time you just took a day. A day where you did what was needed (changing diapers, make dinner and keeping the mess slightly cleaned) but a day that you just did something you enjoyed. Read a book, watch your favorite Christmas movie or just cuddle on the couch in your pjs. Sometimes we all need a day where expectations are minimal and we step back from the busyness around us because it is too easy to get caught up and never take time to REST!


  1. Great Post Ashley!
    I liked the part where you said "if I let Nate take the time to introvert and recharge he was much more willing and happy to help me with my "projects".
    I should take that into consideration with my hubby :)
    The last time I took a day to rest, was last Saturday. Hubby was working and I had decided to just enjoy the kids. it was wonderful :)


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